All without any warning or notice outside of being suspended for "invalid use of profile"! No prior notice or time to backup my evidence from the Stash, or that what I did was even against their rules (which I last I check actually was not initially). purging any and ALL of my evidence regarding the wedgiérs as well as two separate groups of scammers who have committed fraudulent crimes against me, and then they suspend me for 2 weeks. Yet despite this, they still engaged in underage art and predatory behavior, including loli content.Ĭonsidering DeviantArt has a history of and a very strict policy against underage content, with even a questionable policy against age-ramping in deviations, one would think they'd understand my article and actually side with it for the most part, and especially do something about the offenders in question, right? Instead they demonstrated just how little they truly care for human safety, let alone child safety, by silently rummaging through my St.ash. However by accident, I managed to unravel that there was an underage activity scandal happening in Girls Wedgies as well, which lead to some kind of civil war between their moderation. It also revealed that for all the lies they made against me, it turns out THEY themselves are guilty of committing and endorsing sexual crimes, including bypassing laws in their local areas to sexually molest women. In my article, I also disclosed evidence proving the wedgiérs have a very clear history of false-flagging the social media of those they hate in order to silence them or "shut them up". One of them, Derrick better known as ArseneArts or MundaneArsonist lied that I pressured him to draw art "for a woman I was stalking". Members of Girls Wedgies claimed that I was an angry divorced man who abuses his wife, and sought to commit genocide against all women. The worst part is DeviantArt's own staff are VERY WELL aware of this and deliberately chooses to do nothing, or worse, condone and endorse their behavior.īecause of their continuously aggressive actions, I had to create an article defending myself against their extremely defamatory allegations against me just to get them to leave me alone. Apparently there are many lies of omission. Yet, despite this and while it is true that it was mainly from the Discord that they have coordinated attacks against me (and others), some of those same abusers are still in the DA group, and some of them are admins of that same group, indicating that moderator was not telling the entire truth. Apparently one of the moderators, TheFairytaler from the DeviantArt group claimed they had a feud that lead to division between their Discord comrades and the main DA group. This especially the case with the fetish groups on the site, particularly Girls Wedgies. Worst of all, these "justice" parasites will even target your own business(s) and their pages to get them shutdown, and sometimes harass anyone they know is working for you or your business.

I could go all day with what is so wrong with the website - shady, uncaring, and abusive staff, toxic prejudicial bullies, some of whom pretend to stand for "justice and equality", parading under it as a shield to subjugate dissenters and the different, stalkers who falsely flag not your deviations or articles, but also spy on your other social media such as your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, DIscord, LinkedIn, and try to shut them all down. Let us just say, DeviantArt was FAR different in 2007 than it is today Becoming a member of DeviantArt became one of the worst things I've ever done in my life.